This page aims to describe the methodological choices regarding both the selection of variables and their modeling. This page is technical. The R code corresponding to the descriptions below is available here. Variable selection Definitions We differentiate between two types of covariates (variables included into a model but not being the main explanatory/predictor...

One typology of statistical analyses is based on their purpose: Descriptive analyses, to describe the variables, either individually (descriptive statistics), or by cross-tabulating them with another variable (by performing univariables analyses) Explanatory analyses, to determine the influence of one or more variables on another (for example using an Odds Ratio) ...

The purpose of this page is to describe the methodological choices regarding the tests performed on This page is technical, and is intended for users wondering why one test is performed rather than another. The corresponding R code is available here. Univariable test The test performed depends on the type of...

First of all, it is important to be aware that no statistical software guarantees the results it provides, even the most widely used software (including Excel). is still new. It is a graphical interface to R, which is a reference statistical analysis software, as well as SAS, Stata and SPSS. To...

Several steps are necessary to perform an explanatory analysis: Elicit the research hypothesis Select the response (explained) variable Y Select the main explanatory variable X Identify the covariates Check that the conditions are met Check the robustness of the model Elicit the research hypothesis All research requires hypotheses. For example, it may...

When the response variable is binary and it is possible to switch permanently from one state to another, we can carry out survival analyses This type of analysis can take into account the lost to follow-up The most commonly used statistical model for survival analysis in medical studies is...

Essential concepts Excel is organized as a table, containing rows, columns and their intersection: the cells. The rows are numbered, the columns are identified by a letter (for example the 3rd column is cell C). A cell is referred to by its column letter followed by its row number (E1 is...